Alejandro De La Fuente Review on Tannenbaum Theory Summary

Alejandro de la Fuente
Manager, Institute of Afro-Latin American Studies, Harvard University

Alejandro de la Fuente received his law degree from the University of Havana in 1985, then a Phd in History from the University of Pittsburgh in 1996. He has written extensively on bug of race and slavery in Republic of cuba.

He was i of the curators of Queloides/Keloids: Raza y Racismo en el Arte Cubano Contempor�neo, 2010. He was also the curator for The art exhibit Drapetomania: Exposici�n Homenaje a Grupo Antillano in Santiago de Republic of cuba.

De la Fuente was UCIS Inquiry Professor, Latin American and Caribbean History, at the University of Pittsburgh, after being at the Academy of Due south Florida in Tampa, and the University of Havana.  He has joined the faculty at Harvard University, where he is the Robert Woods Bliss Professor of Latin American History and Economics and Professor of African and African American Studies. He is the founding Director of the Establish of Afro-Latin American Studies at Harvard and the faculty Co-Chair, forth with Professor Jorge Dom�nguez, of the Cuban Studies Plan. He is the Senior Editor of the periodical Cuban Studies.--

Rafael Queneditt Morales: Sculptor of Our Ancestors  1/21/2016 Cuban Art News: past Alejandro de la Fuente - "Queneditt did not die. He joined the ancestors to go along his lifelong piece of work of studying, producing, and disseminating what he e'er envisioned as an authentic Cuban culture, a civilization anchored in the cognition, the sweat, and the pain of Africa and its children, a culture built-in out of Antillean lashes and fusions. I am non fifty-fifty sure that he has inverse scenarios: Queneditt always lived in such an intimate, personal, daily communion with the ancestors, that he has probably experienced no transit, no alter at all. They were always together. I know this because he told me, in front of his Santos."

Tribute to a Sculptor: Alejandro de la Fuente on Marcos Rogelio Rodr�guez Cobas  1/two/2016 Cuban Art News: "With him, it was never in dubiety: his inspiration, materials, artistic language, the very purpose of his work, were all anchored in the rich, inexhaustible reservoir of Afro-Cuban culture. Quite appropriately, because Afro-Cuban culture has always traveled through the wavebands of informality, the news of his expiry arrived like a whisper, a rumor disseminated past friends and admirers, brusk on details, lacking official confirmation: Marcos Rogelio Rodr�guez Cobas, the bang-up master of Afro-Cuban art, one of the island's almost prolific and important sculptors of the last v decades, has passed away. He was 89 years sometime."

Harvard Hosts Symposium on the Afrodescendant Motility in Latin America  12/12/2015 The Root: past Alejandro de la Fuente - "Fighting racism and oppression of people of African descent, these activists run across progress, but a lack of visibility and sustained resources to bring nigh change."

A Lesson From Cuba on Race  11/17/2013 New York Times: by Alejandro de la Fuente - "In other words, despite Cuba's success in reducing racial inequality, young black males continued to be seen equally potential criminals. Perceptions of people of African descent equally racially differentiated and inferior continued to permeate Cuban lodge and institutions. The bespeak is not that issues of economical justice and access to resources are irrelevant. Eliminating massive inequality is a necessary step if we are ever going to dismantle racial differences. There is, as Gutting argues, a deeper result of access to basic resource that does need solution. Simply the Cuban feel suggests that in that location are other equally deep issues that demand to be addressed also."

TEMA RACIAL: Dos art�culos de Alejandro de la Fuente  3/21/2013 Negra Cubana: "Alejandro de la Fuente, es uno de los investigadores cubanos que 1000�s a examinado la problem�tica racial en Republic of cuba. En consideraci�north a su trabajo sistem�tico del significado que tiene llevar un poco m�s de melanina en la piel, en una sociedad que se reconstruye todos los d�as, comparto con quienes pasan por ac� dos art�culos de su autor�a llegados recientemente a mis manos. Ellos son: �Tengo una raza discriminada. El movimiento afrocubano: hacia united nations programa consensuado�, salido a la luz en la revista Nueva Sociedad y �Di�logo virtual con mis colegas de la Isla�, publicado en Espacio Laical."

�Tengo una raza oscura y discriminada� El movimiento afrocubano: hacia un programa consensuado  eleven/1/2012 Nueva Sociedad: "Inicialmente impulsado por intelectuales, m�sicos, escritores y artistas, desde fines de la d�cada de 1990 el movimiento afrocubano ha ido logrando romper el silencio oficial que cubr�a el tema racial en Cuba. En los �ltimos a�os, la lucha por la igualdad racial se ha enriquecido con la participaci�n de organizaciones y activistas que han traducido las denuncias al lenguaje de los derechos ciudadanos. Aunque el movimiento afrocubano ha ganado en complejidad y diversidad, el debate de los �ltimos a�bone ha ido produciendo, en paralelo, una serie de grandes temas de inter�s compartido. Estos puntos de acuerdo anticipan, quiz�s, la posibilidad de un programa consensuado y una acci�n com�n."

Race, Ideology, And Culture In Cuba: Recent Scholarship  2/19/2012 Latin American Research Review: article by Alejandro de la Fuente, reviewing a recent crop of books, published in 2000

'Queloides': Artists Explore Racism in Cuba  6/14/2011 The Root: by Alejandro de la Fuente, with video - "Despite the social transformations implemented by the Cuban revolutionary government since the early 1960s, racism continues to be a deep wound in Cuban society, one that generates countless social and cultural scars. Racist attitudes, ideas and behaviors have gained strength in Cuban club during the final two decades, during the deep economic crisis known as "the Special Period," which followed the plummet of the Soviet Wedlock. Equally the Cuban economic system became dollarized, and competition for deficient jobs and resource intensified, racial discrimination and racial inequality increased. White Cubans began to use racist arguments to deny blacks admission to the most attractive sectors of the economy (such as tourism), those in which it was possible to earn dollars or other hard currencies."

Republic of cuba'south Racial Republic: What At present?  10/1/2007 New School: by Alejandro de la Fuente

Race, Ideology, And Culture In Republic of cuba: Recent Scholarship  9/i/2000 LASA: by Alejandro de la Fuente, University of Pittsburgh

Myths of Racial Commonwealth: Cuba, 1900-1912  half dozen/1/1999 Latin American Inquiry Review: "This article reviews the recent literature on the so-called myths of racial commonwealth in Latin America and challenges electric current disquisitional interpretations of the social furnishings of these ideologies. Typically, critics stress the elitist nature of these ideologies, their demobilizing effects among racially subordinate groups, and the part they play in legitimizing the subordination of such groups. Using the establishment of the Cuban republic every bit a exam case, this commodity contends that the critical arroyo tends to minimize or ignore altogether the opportunities that these ideologies have created for those below, the chapters of subordinate groups to use the nation-land's cultural projection to their own advantage, and the fact that these social myths also restrain the political options of their ain creators."

Visualizing Blackness in Latin America and the Caribbean area, 16th-19th Centuries  ane/xiii/2018 H-LatAm: "Keynote speakers: Dr. Tamara J. Walker, Academy of Toronto & Prof. Alejandro de la Fuente, Harvard Academy Recent years take witnessed a rich moving ridge of scholarship examining representations of Blackness in the visual cultures of the Atlantic world. This artery of enquiry is specially germane to Latin America and the Caribbean, home to the earth's largest African diasporic populations. Whilst the theme of blackness people'south invisibility is deeply inscribed in both the history and scholarship of the region, the study of visual and material civilization presents new avenues for understanding both the complexities of the black experience, and the ways in which notions of Blackness and peoples of African descent have indelibly shaped the cultures and societies of Latin America and the Caribbean area."

Especialistas en Cuba llaman a desamericanizar los estudios afro  12/24/2017 IPS: "As� trascendi� en un conversatorio convocado por la C�tedra de Estudios Afrodescendientes del estatal Centro de Investigaciones Psicol�gicas y Sociol�gicas (CIPS) y que tuvo como invitado al profesor cubano Alejandro de la Fuente, director del Instituto de Investigaciones Afrolatinas de la Universidad de Harvard, en Estados Unidos. "Un reto actual es desamericanizar el campo de estudio y producir preguntas, historias y epistemolog�equally desde nuestra regi�n", coment� De la Fuente en su presentaci�n, efectuada el pasado 19 de diciembre. "Podr�amos y deber�amos preguntarnos, c�mo cambia el estudio de la desigualdad racial cuando nos posicionamos desde el Sur", subray�."

Trump abri� la caja de Pandora  5/9/2017 Clarin: "Para Alejandro de la Fuente, director del Instituto de Estudios Afrolatinoamericanos de la Universidad de Harvard, el lema de campa�a electoral de Trump Make America great again (Hacer grande a EE.UU. otra vez), fue interpretado por mucha gente como una promesa de regreso a los a�os 50, "una �poca en la cual reinaba la segregaci�due north racial". Experto en esclavitud y relaciones interraciales, afirma que el presidente "legitim� a estos grupos que previamente estaban en los yard�rgenes de la vida pol�tica estadounidense"."

Movimiento afrocubano celebra ii d�cadas de lucha contra el racismo en la isla  4/15/2017 Nuevo Herald: "M�s de 30 activistas, escritores, intelectuales, acad�micos y emprendedores cubanos, en su mayor�a afrodescendientes, convergieron en una reuni�n que calificaron como "hist�rica" en la Universidad de Harvard para celebrar los logros del movimiento afrocubano y trazar una agenda para el trabajo futuro. "Tenemos que tener conciencia de que este es un acto hist�rico", dijo Tom�s Fern�ndez Robaina, miembro de la Articulaci�due north Regional Afrodescendiente (ARAC) — y autor del pionero libro El Negro en Cuba — al inicio del evento el viernes, organizado por el Afro-Latin American Research Found en el Hutchins Center de esa universidad y que sesionar� hasta el southward�bado."

In Cuba, a battle against racism persists, activists say  4/15/2017 Miami Herald: "More than 30 Cuban activists, writers, academics and entrepreneurs, by and large of African descent, gathered at Harvard University for an unprecedented meeting to celebrate the achievements of the Afro-Cuban movement on the island and set the grade for future work. "We accept to be aware that this is historical event," said Tom�s Fern�ndez Robaina, a fellow member of the Regional Afro-Descendant Network group known by the Spanish acronym ARAC and author of the pioneering book El Negro en Cuba."

Havana's modest business boom exposes a stark racial split up  4/5/2017 PRI: "Harvard's Alejandro de la Fuente said the lack of black business organization owners is leading to a stark economic split up between white and black Cubans, something the socialist authorities worked hard to erase. He thinks the Cuban government should step in. "Yous could concentrate evolution funds in some of the poorest areas of the city so residents in those areas could use public funds to launch their own businesses," de la Fuente said. He said that small business owners too need to focus on hiring Afro Cubans. "You could look at the possibility of establishing labor policies that make sure that the emergent individual sector actually is open up to and forced to incorporate and rent people of African descent."

Preview: Juan Roberto Diago at Harvard  1/31/2017 Cuban Fine art News: "Tomorrow evening, the Ethelbert Cooper Gallery of African & African American Art at Harvard University welcomes Diago: The Pasts of This Afro-Cuban Nowadays. Juan Roberto Diago and the show's curator, Alejandro de la Fuente, spoke almost the exhibition with Cuban Art News."

Opening Reception: "ON GUARD (Con la Guardia en Alto)"  4/eight/2016 Afro-Latin American Research Institute, Harvard: Elio Rodriguez, curated by Alejandro de la Fuente

African American Museum traces the influence of Cuban art  two/sixteen/2016 Newsworks, Philadelphia: "A little-known artistic revolution in Cuba most xl years ago is now featured at the African American Museum in Philadelphia. A group of Cuban artists banded together in 1978 together as Grupo Antillano, to make work highlighting African ties to Republic of cuba."

'Drapetoman�a' and the erasure of Afro-Cuban art  2/viii/2016 AL D�A News: ""What is unusual about this group of artists is that even though they maintained a high level of exposition betwixt 1979 and 1983, they exercise not appear and are not registered in whatever of the books of the so-chosen new Cuban fine art. Information technology's a group that in one case was very successful just then was but erased from the history of Cuban art," de la Fuente told AL D�A News."

Cuban art exhibit opens at Melbourne museum  1/14/2016 Florida Today: with video and discussion of how FIT'southward Foosaner Museum brought up Gordillo and his paintaings. Plus "Afrocuban Painting," a lecture by Alejandro de la Fuente, the Robert Forest Elation Professor of Latin American History and Economics and manager of the Afro-Latin American Inquiry Institute at Harvard University. 10:30 a.m. Jan. 16, Harris Customs Auditorium at the Foosaner Art Museum. Gratuitous."

Update: New Shows in Havana, New York, Los Angeles, Berlin; Honors for Herrera, Est�vez, Fonseca, and Viva  one/12/2016 Cuban Art News: "Drapetoman�a coming to Philadelphia. The long-touring exhibition, curated by Alejandro de la Fuente, volition open up at the African American Museum in Philadelphia on Jan 30. (It debuted almost 3 years ago in Santiago de Cuba, later traveling to Havana, New York, Boston, and other US cities.) A tribute to the Afro-Cuban visual arts movement Grupo Antillano, the exhibition showcases piece of work by the group's original members, and by later Cuban artists who share many of their interests and concerns. This presentation will besides serve equally an breezy memorial to Grupo Antillano founder Rafael Queneditt Morales, who died earlier this month in Havana. The evidence will run in Philadelphia through March 20."

Expertos analizan el futuro de Cuba en conferencia de FIU  two/27/2015 Nuevo Herald: "En la sesi�due north plenaria del evento, organizado por el Instituto de Estudios Cubanos, se presentaron investigaciones sobre distintos aspectos del tema racial en Cuba, eje central del evento. La historiadora de la Universidad de Nueva York, Ada Ferrer, ofreci� una relectura de la figura de Jos� Antonio Aponte –condenado a la horca por encabezar una rebeli�n abolicionista en los inicios del siglo 19–, mientras el tambi�northward historiador Alejandro de la Fuente, profesor de la Universidad de Harvard, analiz� los aportes del Grupo Antillano y su posterior olvido en la historia cultural del pa�south. Andrea Queeley y Danielle Clealand, ambas profesoras de FIU, presentaron algunas conclusiones sobre sus trabajos de investigaci�north en Cuba acerca del prejuicio racial y la conciencia de la negritud, respectivamente. Otros paneles que discutieron el tema abordaron la problem�tica racial desde el movimiento de los derechos civiles en Cuba, la integraci�north social, la identidad nacional, la literatura, el cine y la rumba, entre otros."

Harvard professor presents about racial democracy in Cuba  2/vii/2015 The Maneater: "De la Fuente said he hopes people remember from his presentation how difficult it is to eliminate racism from a civilisation. "This is no piece of cake boxing," he said. "It will take a lot of determination and imagination to achieve that but I do believe it is doable. That may audio somewhat utopian, only there's nothing wrong with utopian vision. Racism is a major trouble in the world, across the Americas, in Europe and definitely in the U.s.a..""

Drapetoman�a, una expo sobre el cimarronaje en el MoAD  12/xiii/2014 Negra Cubana: "La expo "Drapetoman�a: Grupo Antillano and the Art of Afro-Cuba" se encuentra en estos momentos siendo exhibida en el Museo de la Di�spora Africana (MoAD) en San Francisco. La noticia nos la hace llegar el intelectual cubano y curador de la misma Alejandro de la Fuente. Con anterioridad, en el mes de mayo, dicha exposici�northward estuvo en la galer�a The 8th Floor, en Nueva York y fue expuesta originalmente en el Centro Provincial de Artes Pl�sticas y Dise�o en Santiago de Cuba (abril-mayo, 2013). La exposici�n, que celebra united nations grupo de artistas de la d�cada de 1970, viajar� a continuaci�north a la galer�a de Ethelbert Cooper en el Hutchins Middle for African and African American Research, Universidad de Harvard (primavera 2015)."

Renovated MoAD bigger, amend  12/xi/2014 SF Examiner: "Afro-Cuban experiences are the focus of "Drapetomania," which is on view through January. 4. Curated by Harvard scholar Alejandro de la Fuente, the bear witness celebrates Grupo Antillano, a 1970s-80s group of long-unsung Cuban artists whose work demonstrates how African traditions have shaped Cuban civilization. "Sin titulo," an oil painting by artist and political revolutionary Manuel Couceiro Prado, is among the works on view. "Serie Cabezas," a mixed-media piece by significant Cuban artist Manuel Mendive (who is influenced by the Santeria religion) addresses social issues. "Resurreccion," a sculpture featuring a wooden affections, is past Rafael Queneditt, a primary force behind Grupo Antillano's creation."

MoAD cuts the ribbon and welcomes art lovers to reimagined infinite  12/four/2014 SF Chronicle: "Executive Managing director Linda Harrison welcomed the crowd and introduced board chair Wade Rose, director of the Institute for Afro-Latin American Studies at Harvard; Alejandro de la Fuente (who curated the "Drapetomania: Grupo Antillano and the Art of Afro-Cuba" show); and creative person Lava Thomas (whose sculptures and drawings are featured in "Lava Thomas: Beyond"). And so — blessed are the brief, and they were — brusque remarks were made past San Francisco City Administrator Naomi Kelly and by Willie Brownish, who equally mayor had hammered out the deal that created MoAD equally part of a redevelopment project and who sits on the board of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Civilization."

A New Destination for African Art  eleven/20/2014 NYT: "Sponsored by the Hutchins Eye for African & African American Research and its founder Henry Louis Gates Jr., the Cooper Gallery holds a lot of hope, and has a stimulating plan planned. Adjacent up, an historical show of work past the now largely forgotten Afro-Cuban art and political movement called Grupo Antillano (1978-83), organized by Alejandro de la Fuente, a professor of Latin American history and African-American studies at Harvard."

Drapetoman�a: Grupo Antillano and the Fine art of Afro-Republic of cuba on view at The 8th Floor in New York  4/17/2014 OnCuba: "Drapetomania is sponsored by the Afro-Latin American Research Institute of Harvard University, with financial back up from the Ford Foundation and the Christopher Reynolds Foundation. The exhibition is complemented past the book Grupo Antillano: The Art of Afro-Cuba, edited by De la Fuente, with essays by art critics and historians equally Guillermina Ramos Cruz, Jos� Veigas and Judith Bettelheim."

President Jimmy Carter at The 8th Floor  iv/2/2014 Harvard Gazette: "The 8th Flooring was proud to host a social consequence on Dominicus, March 23, attended by President Jimmy Carter and by his grandson, Georgia State Sen. Jason Carter. President Carter visited The 8th Floor, the art gallery supported past philanthropists and art collectors Shelley and Donald Rubin in New York City, where the art exhibit Drapetoman�a: Grupo Antillano and the Art of Afro-Cuba, curated past Harvard Professor Alejandro de la Fuente, is currently on display."

President Jimmy Carter visits Drapetomania at The 8th Floor  3/23/2014 The 8th Flooring: "The 8th Flooring was proud to host a social event On Sun, March 23rd, attended by President Jimmy Carter and by his grandson, Georgia State Senator Jason Carter. President Jimmy Carter visited The 8th Flooring, the art gallery supported past philanthropists and art collectors Shelley and Donald Rubin in New York Metropolis, where the art exhibit Drapetoman�a: Grupo Antillano and the Art of Afro-Cuba, curated past Harvard professor Alejandro de la Fuente, is currently on display. Organized by Rachel Weingeist, Director of The 8th Floor, the issue allowed a group of supporters and friends of President Carter to mingle with the President and to experience a sample of Cuban contemporary art."

Alejandro de la Fuente on the New Afro-Cuban Cultural Movement  11/xiv/2013 Repeating Islands: "Professor de la Fuente succeeded in demonstrating the qualitative differences between the discourse on race in the mid-twentieth century and that of the '90s and the first office of twenty-first, providing a broad array of examples of cultural products, specially, music, literature, and the visual arts. The lecture included a discussion of rappers Hermanos de Causa, poetry by Teresa C�rdenas Angulo, and visual artists such every bit Ren� Pe�a, Alexis Esquivel, Juan Roberto Diago, Mar�a Magdalena Campos-Pons, and Andr�s Montalv�north Cu�llar, among others, which led to an animated and productive conversation with the speaker."

Del estante: El arte afro-cubano del Grupo Antillano  vii/25/2013 Cuban Art News: de Zoya Kocur - "El proyecto de De la Fuente ha tra�do de vuelta un cap�tulo poco conocido de la historia del arte cubano y la historia cultural afrocubana. Al igual que la exposici�north, el libro se centra en c�mo el proyecto del Grupo Antillano contribuy� a la formaci�due north de un movimiento afro-cubano a trav�south de la afirmaci�n y promoci�n de la cultura e identidad cubanas negras. Las razones de la falta de atenci�n al Grupo Antillano despu�s de su disoluci�n seguir�n siendo objeto de debate, los historiadores y cr�ticos de arte e historiadores ofrecer�n diferentes evaluaciones de las exposiciones del Grupo Antillano. Pero a trav�due south de la exposici�n de De la Fuente y este libro valioso, ahora tenemos la oportunidad de verla por nosotros mismos."

Disidentes y activistas contra la discriminaci�n racial participan en el Congreso de LASA  6/1/2013 Diario de Cuba: "A las conferencias asistieron asimismo el activista Juan Antonio Madrazo y el bloguero y escritor Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo; Ted Henken, profesor del Baruch College de la Universidad de Nueva York; Marcelo Fajardo-C�rdenas, de la Universidad de Mery Washington (Virginia); Alejandro de la Fuente, de la University of Pittsburgh, y el historiador y ensayista cubano Rafael Rojas, entre otros."

Did Ch� Guevara write 'extensively' about the superiority of white Europeans? Rubio says yeah  four/17/2013 Politifacts: "At to the lowest degree a couple of our experts pointed to a famous spoken language Guevara made at the University of Santa Clara in 1959 in which he called for greater representation in all parts of Cuban society. At workers rallies around that time, Guevara and Raul Castro talked virtually the demand to "advance the revolution's anti-discrimination program," wrote Alejandro de la Fuente, a University of Pittsburgh history professor in his book A Nation for All: Race, Inequality and Politics in 20th Century Cuba. In the voice communication at Santa Clara, Guevara called for the university to "paint itself with black, pigment itself with mulatto" students and teachers, Fuente wrote."

En conversaci�north: Alejandro de la Fuente, "Drapetoman�a" y el Grupo Antillano  4/2/2013 Cuban Fine art News

In Conversation: Alejandro de la Fuente on Drapetoman�a and Grupo Antillano  4/2/2013 DRCLAS, Harvard: "De la Fuente has described Grupo Antillano as a forgotten visual arts and cultural movement that thrived between 1978 and 1983. The group proclaimed the centrality of African practices in national civilisation. For them, Africa and the surrounding Caribbean area was not a dead cultural heritage but a vibrant, ongoing and vital influence that continued to ascertain what it ways to be Cuban. Even so de la Fuente was surprised to discover that neither the art nor the very existence of Grupo Antillano is remembered today. As he puts it, Grupo Antillano has been removed from all accounts of the then-called "new Cuban art," which took shape precisely during those years and is often associated with the legendary exhibition Volumen Uno (1981). In contrast to Grupo Antillano, says de la Fuente, most of the artists of Volmen Uno did not wait towards Africa or the Caribbean area for inspiration, but to new trends in Western art."

Historian Alejandro de la Fuente to Join Harvard's Faculty  3/i/2013 DRCLAS, Harvard: "Professor de la Fuente's primary amalgamation will be in the Department of African and African-American Studies. Department Chair Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham notes, "Alejandro will be a tremendous nugget to us all, every bit he develops Afro-Latin American, Cuban, and Latin American Studies at Harvard."

�Tengo una raza oscura y discriminada�. El movimiento afrocubano: hacia un programa consensuado  11/ane/2012 Nueva Sociadad: "Inicialmente impulsado por intelectuales, yard�sicos, escritores y artistas, desde fines de la d�cada de 1990 el movimiento afrocubano ha ido logrando romper el silencio oficial que cubr�a el tema racial en Cuba. En los �ltimos a�os, la lucha por la igualdad racial se ha enriquecido con la participaci�due north de organizaciones y activistas que han traducido las denuncias al lenguaje de los derechos ciudadanos."

Race and Income Inequality in Contemporary Cuba  seven/one/2011 NACLA

"Queloides" in New York: An Interview with the Curators  iv/nineteen/2011 Cuban Fine art Newsx: "Queloides is a long-term collective projection in Cuban art. It'due south not a project that belongs to me or to Elio, or to whatsoever of the artists who are exhibitng now. This is a project that was born in the late 1990s. The first exhibition was curated by Alexis Esquivel and Omar Pascual Castillo. Information technology was a pocket-size exhibit, in 1997, at Casa de Africa in Havana. It got very little press coverage, and very niggling recognition. Then in that location was a second, bigger exhibit organized by the late Ariel Ribeaux Diago in 1999. Ariel Ribeaux began to expand the project—gave it additional theoretical coherence. And then of grade Ariel Ribeaux died a few years afterward and the project got suspended. Nothing else happened. When I learned near these exhibits, the get-go thing that caught my eye was how little information was bachelor almost the exhibits themselves, and well-nigh what I saw as a very of import movement in Cuban art, and in Cuban culture more generally. Just the exhibits have been ignored—and continue to be, really—in the annals of Cuban art. If yous await at the all-time books of Cuban art, you'll run into that in most cases the exhibits are non even mentioned."

Rafael Lopez Ramos, "La Huella del Latigo" Los Lirios del Jardin  4/19/2011 ArtSlant: "A prop�sito de la reci�n inaugurada edici�n del proyecto Queloides, dialogu� v�a correo el�ctronico con sus curadores Alejandro de la Fuente y Elio Rodr�guez Vald�s acerca del tema en que se centra la exposici�north y otros detalles relacionados con esta."

Alejandro de la Fuente y Michael Olijnyk nos hablan sobre "Queloides"  two/26/2011 YouTube: "Tuyomasyo Art presenta: Alejandro de la Fuente y Michael Olijnyk nos hablan sobre "Queloides" Race and Racism in Cuban Gimmicky Fine art. Michael Olijnyk Co-director de Mattress Manufacturing plant y Alejandro de la Fuente historiador y curador de la muestra."

Di�logo virtual con mis colegas de la Isla  two/1/2011 Espacio Laical: "He le�practise con enorme inter�s sobre un curso de postgrado dedicado al tema "Racialidad en la Cuba Actual", que se ofreci� recientemente en la Facultad de Biolog�a de la Universidad de La Habana. Dictado por tres respetados especialistas cubanos, los profesores Antonio J. Mart�nez Fuentes, Esteban Morales Dom�nguez y Armando Rangel Rivero, este curso me pareci� importante y sugerente por varias razones."

"Queloides" Catalog  ane/half dozen/2011 Matress Manufacturing plant Shop: "Queloides: Race and Racism in Cuban Gimmicky Art," companion volume to the exhibition of the same name at the Mattress Factory Museum in Pittsburgh, PA, documents the complete exhibition in the U.s.a. as well as the previous Queloides exhibitions in Cuba. Edited by Cuban scholar and Queloides co-curator, Alejandro de la Fuente, this 172-page full-colour bilingual (English and Spanish) itemize contains iv essays: "Introduction: The New Afro-Cuban Cultural Move," past Alejandro de la Fuente; "Queloides: A History," by Omar Pascual Castillo; "Race and Racism in Cuban Contemporary Art" by Odette Casamayor; and "Racism: Parody and Postcommunism" by Dennys Matos. The "Queloides: Race and Racism in Cuban Contemporary Art" itemize also includes extensive total-colour photographic documentation of works in the exhibitions at the Wifredo Lam Heart and the Mattress Factory and biographies of each of the 13 artists."

The Audacity of a Cuban Curator  x/21/2010 Havana Times: "[Havana Times:] Y'all've been banned from Republic of cuba due to the exhibition. What happened? [Alejandro:] We presented this projection to Republic of cuba's cultural authorities in 2008. I wanted to evidence information technology first in Havana because I didn't want to practice it only for foreign consumption. I understood that this was a polemic project, simply I also idea that the situation had changed in the isle. Racism is something that has been recognized even by Fidel Castro, who had acknowledged publicly that racism has not been solved. The cultural authorities were never quite enthusiastic about the project, but they said we could do it. The regime had no take chances to select the artists. I call back several of the bureaucrats started having nightmares that this might endanger their positions and their privileges or that state security may call them. Perhaps they did phone call them." [Alejandro has since been able to render to Cuba.]

Cuban Fine art Makes Waves  10/ane/2010 Pittsburgh Magazine: "Alejandro de la Fuente believes that art tin ameliorate not only the lives of individuals, but it also can benefit the future of nations. That's one of the reasons he's co-curating "Queloides III," an exhibit opening at the Mattress Mill this month that examines a controversial event in contemporary Cuba."

Racism in Contemporary Cuba Explored in Mattress Factory Exhibition, Cocurated by Pitt'south Alejandro de la Fuente  9/13/2010 Pitt Chronicle

Buscando a Taita Facundo  8/1/2009 Republic of cuba Encuentro: "Nicol�s Guill�n la defini� como united nations abrazo en su �Balada de los dos abuelos�. La cubanidad blanquinegra, de estirpe africana y espa�ola, era representada a trav�due south de la met�fora de los dos abuelos —�Sombras que s�lo yo veo�—, negro el uno, el otro blanco, que se juntaban en un abrazo fundacional, creador de lo que somos. Con sus selvas de lanzas y caimanes, Taita Facundo evocaba barcos negreros, l�tigos y ca�equally. Con gorguera y armadura, Taita Federico hablaba el lenguaje del oro, los ingenios y los galeones. Juntos, los dos abuelos andaban, compartiendo cantos y ca�adas. Juntos alzaban la cabeza, �los dos del mismo tama�o, bajo las estrellas altas�. Juntos, del mismo tama�o. Juntos e iguales. Juntos. Iguales."

Havana and the Atlantic in the Sixteenth Century.  4/1/2009 College of Williams and Mary: "Although previous generations of historians have documented various aspects of the metropolis's early on evolution, their main accent has oftentimes been on Havana's regal office equally a military machine outpost and major stopover of the Spanish fleet organisation. De la Fuente'south book revises—or, rather, complements—that limited majestic view by highlighting Havana'south maritime, commercial role every bit a port city, past placing it in the context of Atlantic studies, and past providing a richly textured local view of the emerging city."

La "raza" y los silencios de la cubanidad  1/vii/2009 Encuentro: Alejandro de la Fuente

The New Afro-Cuban Cultural Movement and the Contend on Race in Contemporary Republic of cuba  12/four/2008 Journal of Latin American Studies: "This paper analyses recent debates on race and racism in Republic of cuba in the context of changing economical and social weather condition in the island. Since the early 1990s, and largely in response to the negative effects that the so-chosen Special Menstruation had on race relations, a grouping of artists and intellectuals began denouncing the persistence of racist practices and stereotypes in Cuban society. Although they are not organised around a single programme or institution, these musicians, visual artists, writers, academics and activists share mutual grievances nigh racism and its social effects. Information technology is in this sense that they constitute a new Afro-Cuban cultural move. It is too early to fully assess the touch of this motion, but these artists and intellectuals have been largely successful in raising sensation nearly this problem and bringing it to the attention of authorities and the Cuban public."

Alejandro de la Fuente, A Nation for All: Race, Inequality, and Politics in Twentieth Century Cuba  9/ane/2003 Labour: "The book'due south central argument is that the myth of racial equality was not simply an elite--generated idea that served to demobilize or co-opt Afro-Cubans. The author assuredly demonstrates that Afro-Cubans appropriated the same myth to fight confronting racism, class oppression, and neo-colonialism. The elite interpretation of racial equality saw whatsoever race-based demands, organizations, and sentiments as racist and anti-Cuban. In contrast, a subaltern popular nationalism of mostly Afro-Cuban origin saw the conscious struggle confronting racism as an integral attribute of the fight for social justice and national independence. Thus race relations in Republic of cuba were characterized by ambiguity more than rigid social dichotomies, by contestation and accommodation more than fierce confrontation, and by competing notions of national identity that shaped Cuban political transitions and culture."

Myths of Racial Republic: Cuba, 1900-1912  6/1/1999 Latin American Research Review: "This article reviews the recent literature on the so-called myths of racial republic in Latin America and challenges current critical interpretations of the social effects of these ideologies. Typically, critics stress the elitist nature of these ideologies, their demobilizing effects among racially subordinate groups, and the part they play in legitimizing the subordination of such groups. Using the establishment of the Cuban commonwealth as a test case, this article contends that the critical approach tends to minimize or ignore altogether the opportunities that these ideologies have created for those below, the chapters of subordinate groups to use the nation-land'south cultural project to their own advantage, and the fact that these social myths also restrain the political options of their ain creators."


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